In this podcast, Chris Walker discusses the importance of conscious leadership and moving from a “got-to” mentality to a “love-to” mindset. He explains the concept of holistic self-awareness across seven areas of life: spiritual, social, mental, health, financial, familial, and career. Chris emphasizes the significance of balancing these areas to avoid overemphasising one at the expense of others. He highlights the role of perception in leadership, advocating for coaching employees to higher levels of consciousness. Lastly, he stresses the need for self-mastery and self-leadership to effectively lead others.
G’day folks, I hope you’ve enjoyed the last couple of podcasts. We’ve been working on human consciousness and the power of conscious leadership. Today, we’re going to delve a little deeper into these concepts.
Moving from “Got-To” to “Love-To”
I’m sure you remember this diagram. It illustrates the highest level of consciousness, shifting from “got-to” to “love-to.” This transition is crucial because life will inevitably throw challenges our way, causing us to lose balance, get angry, or feel disappointed.
When these moments occur, it’s easy to judge yourself and feel off track. The key is to move from a state of obligation (“got-to”) to a state of desire (“love-to”). Essentially, this means transitioning from our cellular self to our spiritual self or shifting our thinking from the cellular brain to the corpus callosum or cortic brain.
The Holistic Approach to Life
As an engineer, I appreciate models and visual representations. We know that we are holistic beings, encompassing seven areas of life: spiritual, social, mental, health, financial, familial, and career. It’s easy to excel in one area, like career, while neglecting another, such as health. Or, we might meditate all day, enriching our spiritual life, but forget to manage our finances.
Our goal is to achieve a holistic sense of self. This includes the outer world, even the spiritual aspect. It’s about setting goals and recognising that each achievement opens up new possibilities. For instance, hitting a health target can lead to a new level of potential.
The Layers of Life and Perception
We continuously navigate through layers of life, experiencing frustration when our current 10 out of 10 becomes an 8 as our possibilities expand. This growth is akin to the rings of a tree. Our perception plays a crucial role in this process. As leaders, the way we perceive the world shapes our actions and reactions.
We aim to avoid operating in the lower zones of consciousness, such as “need to,” “should,” or “got to.” These levels may drive startup energy but ultimately lead to failure. Instead, we strive to elevate ourselves and our teams to higher levels of consciousness.
Coaching for Higher Consciousness
It’s vital to coach our team members up from the “got-to” level or out if necessary. People operating in the lower consciousness zone require significant management, are not self-driven, and register low engagement scores. This scenario aligns with the 80-20 rule, where 80% of your time and energy is spent on those contributing only 20% of the results.
Balancing Order and Chaos
Life evolves at the border of order and chaos. Emotions fluctuate above and below the line of purpose, and our aim is to maintain a clear sense of personal vision, inspiration, and purpose. This balance fosters self-worth and helps us grow, eventually encompassing the whole world.
The Tree Analogy
Consider the tree analogy. If the upper leaves cause trouble, they distract us from the beauty and engagement we seek at the top. Our goal is to stabilize the lower branches and operate at higher levels of human consciousness. This is why studying consciousness is essential for leaders.
Understanding and mastering your own consciousness is the first step before leading others. This holistic approach ensures you come to the table in a healthy state without sacrificing yourself for business success.
Thank you for joining this discussion on conscious leadership. Remember, the journey from “got-to” to “love-to” is about elevating your consciousness and achieving holistic balance in all areas of life. This is Chris. Have a beautiful day. Bye for now.