How to Use the Power Hour for Individual Performance Improvement

In this deck I make a fresh and clear approach to helping you understand the contents of the power hour. For many of you you will understand that the purpose of the power hour is to complete evolution each week so that you maintain a sense and act a continuity of purpose. For others it is a process for repairing and getting back on track after an extended period of being out of balance. The back on track process is unique, because it’s holistic and it has a focus on three incredibly important words; happy, better, faster. That is the nature of evolution, getting more done in less time. Business we know that the person with the greatest certainty leads but this certainty does not come from any lockdown thought process or knowledge. It comes from the knowledge of the process of growth. Back on track is the introduction of this process for all those who are interested in leadership and success in their field. Please enjoy

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