OVERCOMING Some Challenging Journeys

Scrolling through my library doing my weekly declutter of old books Ive read and no longer need to hold onto, I came across this precious jewel. My final draft of my Laws of Nature book, Better Life.

Never judge a book by its cover but in this case, the last draft of my Better Life book, I do. 

Hundreds of corrections, both tabbed and marked in the book. It’s depressing really to think back at the amount of work that went into the book up until this point, and the number of people who read the draft, including editors, well paid editors. 

My one saving grace is this quote:

“Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly.”

I am dyslexic, reading is not my strength. I typed every word. And retyped, and retyped. I paid for everything. And in a way, I’m pleased that there is any result. Of course, even after these corrections there were more, and more, and more. The journey was tortuous.

But that’s it, isn’t it? 

WE can see a journey as hard, or worth the effort. In this case, in spite of the hardships I have absolutely no regret. I’m actually thankful for it. 

Like my first business. Easy to start, easy to build, hard to sell. But again, I’m glad I went through that because there, 30 years later, my old business, that I started from getting control of a sheet metal factory that was $500,000 in debt, and building to profit, is thriving. Check it out… 

Other business ventures didn’t last so long. Bourne, Griffiths, Barraclough, Walker was my brain child in the late 80’s. My small management consulting practice had associations with John Bourne and Grant Griffiths, and a friend, John Barraclough agreed to join a merged consultancy. Our business thrived but I didn’t enjoy the “politics” and sold my share of the firm. A few years later this was the result … https://www.afr.com/companies/collapse-fall-out-19920612-kapax

Not everything goes to plan but there is always a greater plan. In the process of building this company I had met some genius people. My links to Yoga, India, Nepal and New York had been established during that period in BGBW and I went on to explore all of them. My consulting company specialised in change, the very changes that were the topic of my exit from BGBW. Eventually, that change consultancy focussed mainly on human development and my speaking career took off on a global level. 

Looking back, I could not have planned it. Not one step. However there were consistencies.

  1. I loved, and still love my work, regardless of what it is, and if I don’t love it, I change it. 
  2. I don’t have to work with people I don’t like. I really think this has been important for me.
  3. I believe in the product I deliver. Whether it’s the sheet metal factory, change or speaking, I’m all in for the thing I do, no holding back on that.
  4. I love my “never boring” life and that’s created allot of challenge. I love to be in love and when that’s not front and centre, one way or another, I fix it.
  5. I have never been conventional. So, rejection by people is almost a badge of approval in my life.
  6. To a certain point, I’d rather like me, than others and I care more about what I think about me than what others do… (this is frequently tested)
  7. I’m still Chris, my nickname as a five year old was Sunshine. I still feel that. I’ve lost it for months at a time, off on wild goose chases, but I’ve always returned to it. My best friend.

This article isn’t a usual Chris Walker Innerwealth, how to. It’s a moment of reflection on a Sunday, in peaceful surroundings, with an old book sitting beside me, reminding me of the journey and just a few moments in time that sprang to mind. All connected, because there’s order in the chaos.

With Inspiration


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