TRANSCRIPT OF AUDIO….The most terrible thing in anyone’s life is the belief in and thought of evil, but fear is the most destructive.
Yet there is nothing to fear. There is no evil and there is nothing to fear.

They only exist in our minds. When they exist in our minds they are very real and terrible, but they have no real existence apart from our minds. The only power that evil and fear, and the things fear fears, is the power that we invest them with our thoughts. Nothing exists apart from in our minds. Everything is mind or thought, and its phenomena or manifestation.
This is proved up to the hilt by the fact that when you have, by the power of denial, “there is no evil,“ and the affirmation, “there is only infinite good,“ you cast the thought of and belief in, evil, out of your mind, then you discover that there is no evil outside of human thought and that there is, and always has been, only infinite good. In the same way when you, by denial and affirmation, cast out fear, you discover, to your joy that there is nothing and never has been and never can be, anything to fear.
“There only exist that which exist in the mind.“
Therefore, to cast out fear, raise yourself in your perfect world of mind. Realising that you, your real you, are a perfect mental creature, radiant and divine, that you are an individualised expression of the great infinite mind of the universe, and as such, are gifted with godlike powers.
Having raised yourself mentally above the world of petty strife, of limitations, and time and sense, into the perfect world of mind, realise that you are in harmony with and form part of, the great power behind the universe, that infinite mind or principle of perfect good, which is the guiding spirit behind all life‘s mysteries.
Get into touch with, and realise your wonders with this infinite mind of perfect good, and you will realise that there can be nothing to fear. You are in harmony with the infinite principle of good and there is nothing that can harm you or of which you need to be afraid.
Stand firm then looking up, realise you are at one with the highest powers, your harmony with nature’s forces, and use this denial unceasingly:
“there is nothing in all the universe that can make me afraid.“
Having purged your mind of fear, next build it up and strengthen it by this affirmation;
“I am in harmony with the infinite principle of good that permeates the universe, and against which evil has not the slightest power. Therefore I am not afraid, nothing can harm or destroy, nothing can ruffle me, or disturb my peace of mind. I’m carried forward by the invisible forces of good. All is well.“
Then realise the stupendous truth, and visualise yourself standing fearless and dauntless and serene and calm, held up by higher powers.
By the power of thought – control develop your subliminal powers, you become conscious of a new self developing and manifesting itself within you. This is your subliminal self. Not only do you become increasingly conscious of the new powers within, but you also become aware of powers outside of yourself. There are powers within (innerwealth) and powers without (leadership) all of which will help and bless us, if we only come into line and harmony with them.
There are, of course, testing times in all lives, but to the well trained mind they should give no cause for fear.
“It is how we bear ourselves at such testing times that determines our real worth and use, whether we have stamina, backbone, courage – real character – and if at such times we can stand unflustered, uncomplaining, desirous of neither sympathy nor pity, patient but resolute, and doing today what today reveals to be done and so ready for tomorrow when it comes, then there can be but one outcome. The higher powers of all the universe stand behind such a life, they uphold it, they sustain it, they stamp it with success, they crown it with adoration and honour.“
Therefore you have nothing to fear, so cast out fear and meet the future with joy and gladness.
The other great obstacle to health and success is hate.
There can be no health or success in life for the person who hates. The person who hates emits the force which rebounds back upon themselves. Hate destroys the one who hates far more than the one who is hated. Hate poisons the blood of the one who hates and tears down their nervous system. Hate is negative and destructive, love is positive and uplifting. Hate affects adversely all vital processes. It destroys health, wrecks happiness and turns the life into an inferno of trouble. Have you ever noticed the lives of those who indulge in hate? They are a continual mountain of trouble to themselves and others. Before they finish one brawl they find themselves engaging in another. They are at loggerheads with nearly everybody, and misfortune seems to dog their footsteps. Misfortunes and troubles (domestic and business) are attracted to them as a direct result of their hate. Through indulging in negative thoughts and emotions, negative conditions are produced and attracted. That is why people who hate are not always in trouble through other people‘s hatred, but they attract troubles and disasters which seem to have no connection with hate, but which are, in reality, of a direct result of that condition of mind. Therefore dear student, if you have hatred, malice or resentment in your mind or life, if you judge others, if you criticise others this is called hate; pluck it out and cast it away. I will show you how because you can never be successful, never be happy until you have done so.
One way to cast out hate is to hold your mind continually in the attitude of goodwill to all humankind. If hate is to you a real difficulty, if you blaze with resentment whenever you think of a certain person who has deeply wronged you, if there wells up within you a fierce desire to get even with the object of your hatred or at least get away from them, or wish them harm, remember this: that you can never make any progress in mind and thought control, you can never be successful and happy until you have forgiven your enemy and found the gift in their behaviour toward you.
Further I would say you must also get past forgiveness and find the gift in their behaviour – in other words, unconditional love. (Love without Attraction or Possession) If, just as you are falling asleep, you use the following combination of denial and affirmation, you will find it much easier to conquer your negativity during the next day. First of all, raise yourself into your perfect world of mind, deny evil and affirm infinite good, then say;
“I forgive and forget all my enmity and anger, I send out thoughts of love and goodwill to all humankind.”
Get your mind into this attitude and all will be well. By thinking in this way you create currents and vibration which will bring you blessings, happiness, health, healing and success.
It may seem strange to insist upon unconditional love in these lessons of online training in success development, but believe me there can be no true all-round success, no happiness or harmony in life, so long as hatred, malice and uncharitable criticism are held in higher value than unconditional love. Hate, malice and uncharitable criticism are negative qualities and success, real, lasting and true success, can only come to those who overcome and cast out, root and branch, those negative thoughts, beliefs and habits. Great minds are above such petty, mean feelings and above means unconditional love in every case. It is the truly great who can best afford to be magnanimous. By regulating and controlling your thinking, by casting out fear and hate and all other negative states, you, too, can become great in mind and inspired in action.
Therefore when you make the above affirmation, visualise yourself raised above the petty cares and strifes of humankind, looking with a broader outlook above those who hate and squabble and disagree. There is a mental realm of peace and quietude which is far above earths troubles. But before you can enter into it, you must first put yourself right with your fellow people. We cannot dwell in a high mental place of love and success if we are not dealing fairly with the world, and giving our very best service to the cause of humanity. We cannot dwell there if we fear, we must first of all banish fear and obsess in our hearts with courage. We cannot dwell there if we are selfish, nor if we desire or demand for ourselves anything which we do not want all humanity to enjoy. And when we have put ourselves in harmony with all the higher forces, then we can rise above the things which vex and grieve the hearts of humankind. We can rise to a place where absolute calm and peace continually abide and that is the temporary but crucial resolution of all worry, hate, anxiety, malice and criticism of others into unconditional love.
I can hear so many of program attendees saying, “what has unconditional love got to do with success in life?” And the answer is, “everything.“ It is because the majority of people are so full of worry and care about themselves and their angry expectations of others that they are perplexed and anxious. It is because they are so perplexed and anxious and so wrapped up in little, petty, nonessential things that they are never able to take the broadview and consequently can never be successful. A man or woman with a small, petty mind can never be successful; it is only those with imagination and breadth of view who can plan a successful campaign, and successfully carry it through. It is impossible for anyone to put forth the best effort if they are worried and careworn, or fearful, or full of hate. The nervous system is so weakened, the life-force is so corroded, there is none of that vital, living, overpowering energy wee call success mindset which is so necessary to success. Neither can the mind be concentrated upon the business in hand nor the problems to be solved, nor the difficult to be overcome, if it is engaged in, at any level of life, worry, anxiety, hate or fear.
Therefore I say learn to rise to that higher state of mind where peace and calm and confidence continually abide – we call this UNCONDITIONAL LOVE – The Success MINDSET.
The special visualisation exercise for this week SUCCESS FORMULA is as follows;
Sit yourself in a quiet place, upright in a chair, close your eyes. Now mentally send out to the world your best service. If you are a great author of books, see them being sent by the thousand, by flight or internet all over the globe. If you are in manufacturing or trading, see your goods, products and services being distributed globally in the same way. If you’re an artist, see your work going to many countries. If you are a poet, see your poems bringing joy and peace to millions of hearts everywhere. If you are a musician do the same. If you are a business consultant see the magic of your improvements in the world reaching across the oceans to impact not only profit for the investors but also the global families of those influenced by your service. No matter what your occupation, or what it may be in the future, see the effects of your service going out to all humankind. And it is important in this to note that everything you do as an act of service does, in some way, effect ALL humankind. Do this for a few minutes, and then reverse the process. See money and gratitude coming back to you from all over the world. Call up a clear and perfect image of wealth arriving by every second into your bank, transfers to your bank, in the form of payments, orders and cash. See it all flowing into your wealth day and night after the deposits are cleared. See yourself watching the bottom line grow and it piling up. Do this for a few minutes and then release that matter from your mind. Sit calmly.
The law of Abundance in The Universal Laws of Nature reveals that there is infinite plenty and provision in nature for all humankind’s wants and needs. Nature is abundant. She provides and would willingly clothe every human being in plenty and abundance, if only they did not create their own poverty by wrong thinking. Prosperity and abundance, in health and wealth, in beauty and happiness, in every perfect good, these are all waiting for every human being, but they (those who don’t take account for it) don’t know it and don’t believe it. There is for every human being all that the heart can wish for, but those who don’t accept this, fail to enter, because of wrong thinking, into this glorious heritage. There is infinite profusion of the finest blessings for all humankind;
Affirmation for today
“They are mine now, all that I can affirm and visualise (IMAGINE) and will come to me when I, by means of my SUCCESS FORMULA and SUCCESS MINDSET thinking, have purified my thoughts and cleansed my mind of the negative influences. When I have got rid of hate and fear and selfishness and weakness, and have built-up my mind in love and courage, and selflessness and strength, then I will find that there is nothing in life that is too good for me, nothing in all the universe that can be denied me. Nature withholds nothing from any human being who is unafraid, and whose thoughts are in harmony with natural forces, (universal laws of nature – unconditional love success mindset) and whose heart is free from hate and malice. Therefore nature shall withhold nothing from me. And what I affirm for myself, I desire also for my fellow creatures, that they too may experience all the joy that I experience, and learn how to bring their lives into harmony with the infinite principle of good – THE UNIVERSAL PRINCIPLE OF ABUNDANCE.”
Continue to develop subliminal thinking. Take all your difficulties and perplexities into the silence and let your great inner mind, drawing upon the eternal wisdom of the ages, give you the true answer that you need. Whenever you desire inspiration or original ideas, seek them in your subliminal mind because there alone can they be found. If there is fog, negativity of hate, malice or uncharitable thinking change it, DENY, AFFIRM THE OPPOSITE, VISUALISE THE BEST. Use the Discard, or many process you are taught in this course of life with me to break the hold of negativity and release the powers of Unconditional Love into your Mindset of Manifestation, your SUCCESS FORMULA.