We have been discussing, and will continue to discuss the Success Formula. A deep and powerful mind control tool to create and manifest what you want with who you want in your life. Today I am taking a moment to step back and remind you of where the world is at by not investing in real mind power. Emotional wellbeing is like soap or hand sanitiser, it clears away the debris at an emotional level but no matter how obsessed we become about washing our hands and keeping them sanitised, they just get dirty again.
It reminds me of a bathroom I visited during my lunch at a Melbourne City lane cafe last week. A dark and dingy little place that still used cakes of soap on the sink for public use. Then, with hands probably more dirty and infected from the soap one was confronted by the need to escape this dungeon via a door handle that would add insult to injury smothered in bacteria. Emotional wellbeing is that toilet.
Hand washing is meant to fix a bacterial problem but if it’s not sanitised, it just causes another. It makes the individual somewhat blind to a new bacteria they may have introduced and at the end of it, clean hands aren’t going to stay clean longer than the next event that’ll re-infect. A computer keyboard, a door handle, a lift button, a cup from a cafe, a car steering wheel.
Washing your hands after taking a poo is very important, but hygiene is more than that. And emotional wellbeing is also important but it’s never going to be the formula for success, happiness or wellbeing, mentally or physically. The secret to mental and physical health is Mind Control, because mind control controls emotion. Inspired thinking has no emotion and it’s the equivalent to one of those auto sanitisers you swipe your hands through on the way to the bus.
Emotional Wellbeing as a focal point in business is essential. But by focussing on good or bad emotions, the whole exercise becomes humanly weakening, plays to the lowest of the mental strengths of people and sends people home to vent and express because there’s just more emotional muck at home and no corporate cushion, emotional wellbeing at home reverts to its authentic origins, SELF – in other words, Mind Control.
Below is a little insight as to where the trends are heading commercially and it’s wise for you to check that your company, products and services add this element to the marketing. Emotional Wellbeing adds value to your products and services as well as your performance at work. So, include it in your behaviour and culture. But please, don’t get caught up in the hype. it’s a trend that you do not have to subscribe to personally. Stay inspired – stay strong, succeed.
Emotions and food have always been linked, but now snacks in particular are being used to change how the eater feels in a more targeted and conscientious way. 80% of global consumers look to snacks to improve their emotional health, according to Mondelez International’s annual State of Snacking report released in January this year. Innovative companies are tapping into consumers’ emotional needs by launching products that aim to improve their moods.
Promising to reduce consumers’ stress levels, Israeli food tech company myAir’s snack bars launched in January 2022. Before purchasing, buyers take a quiz to determine their individual stress level and type and are then recommended a personalized snack bar regime. Bars include ‘super-plants’ like ginseng, cranberries, and passion flower and are color-coded with names like Focused Yellow and Calm Green.
Starting in February, Apple is rolling out a holistic “Heart Month” series of resources across its apps and services. Apple Books is promoting a series of titles that not only focus on physical heart health, but emotional wellbeing and mindfulness. Apple is expanding on its focus on mental health from last year, when it was reportedly developing technology to diagnose depression and cognitive decline using sensor data including physical activity, general mobility, and sleep patterns.
These advancements follow smart emotional tracking devices that have been released in recent years. Fitbit’s Charge 5 device from 2021 monitors its wearer’s stress and holistic health via a “Readiness score” from which users can assess their recovery needs, and Amazon’s Halo fitness tracker, released in 2020, monitors the wearer’s tone of voice.
Emotional health spaces are opening in public places as well. In October 2021, the Rubin Museum of Art in New York City opened the Mandala Lab, a cultural healing space reserved for visitors to explore, address, and transform their emotions. Executive director Jorrit Britschgi said the space, built on Buddhist principles, was designed to “empower us to face today’s challenges: to widen our imagination, understand and manage our emotions, enrich our capacity for empathy, and connect with others.”
Expect to see more comprehensive frameworks for monitoring and managing emotional health continue to emerge.