Navigating the Seven Stages of Human Consciousness: Moving Beyond Anger, Greed, and Hate

Chris discusses the concept of conscious leadership, focusing on the seven stages of human consciousness derived from ancient Taoist texts, similar to Thai and Vietnamese Buddhism. He emphasises the importance of recognising and rejecting anger, greed, and hate, which drive much of human behaviour and judgment. Through practical processes such as emotional showers and discard forms, individuals can achieve balance and harmony. Chris also shares personal anecdotes, including a recent fall that led to hospitalisation, highlighting how negative thoughts like anger, greed, and hate can manifest in physical mishaps.


Good morning, wherever you are. Today, as I wrestle with the wind, sand, and rain, I want to delve into a profound topic that has been a cornerstone of conscious leadership: the seven stages of human consciousness. These stages, derived from ancient Taoist texts and akin to Thai and Vietnamese Buddhism, offer a pathway to transcend the darker aspects of our nature—anger, greed, and hate—and foster a more spiritually and materially fulfilling life.

The Seven Stages of Human Consciousness

Entering the Stream

The journey begins with what is known as “entering the stream.” This stage is about committing to emphasize the spiritual part of oneself. It involves a conscious decision to recognise and reject anger, hate, and greed as guiding forces in our lives. These emotions, often manifesting as judgment, are to be acknowledged but not acted upon. By doing so, we take the first step towards a life that is not only materially successful but also spiritually enriching.

The Power of Recognition

Recognising these dark forces in ourselves is crucial. Anger, greed, and hate drive much of human behaviour, often leading to judgment of self and others. Understanding and acknowledging this can be a powerful entry point into a more balanced and harmonious existence. The universal laws I teach distil these ancient teachings into practical steps woven into the fabric of these seven stages.

Finding Balance

In the first stage, entering the stream, we strive to find balance in every situation, which essentially neutralises it. While perfect balance is a constant pursuit rather than an achievement—since nature always seeks balance—we can develop a keen awareness of when we are out of sync. This awareness allows us to correct our course and restore harmony.

Practical Application: Addressing Anger, Greed, and Hate

Immediate Action

When you judge someone, feel anger, or cling to something with greed, you have a critical choice to make in that moment. Before these thoughts take root and fester, it is essential to address them immediately. Prolonging these negative emotions embeds them into our biology and physiology, making them harder to dispel.

The Dark Forces

The dark forces of anger, greed, and hate are potent and pervasive. They are the root causes of terrorism, hostility, judgment, racism, and sexism. While these labels are harsh, they are necessary to help us recognise and confront these destructive emotions. Every human being experiences them; the key is to refuse to operate from these places.

Tools and Processes for Inner Wealth

Emotional Showers and Discard Forms

In my work with Innerwealth and Chris Walker Coaching, we employ practical processes like emotional showers and discard forms. These tools help individuals quickly identify and address their negative emotions. Another quick fix involves asking, “What is the other side of that?” to shift perspective and neutralise negativity.

Lessons from the Himalayas

Drawing from my experiences trekking in the Himalayas, I’ve learned valuable lessons about dealing with these dark forces. For instance, while navigating treacherous marble gravel paths, I noticed that every slip was accompanied by an ungrateful thought—often rooted in anger, greed, or hate. This realisation has made bad luck less of a random occurrence and more of a reflection of my inner state.

A Personal Anecdote

On a recent Sunday night, I had my first-ever trip in an ambulance at over seventy years of age. I had just enjoyed a lovely dinner with a glass of wine, and as I walked to the kitchen, I fell, cracked my head on the kitchen bench, and ended up in hospital. Reflecting on the incident, I realised that my thoughts at that moment were not positive; they were tinged with anger, greed, and hate. This experience underscored the importance of maintaining a positive and mindful mindset at all times.


Navigating the seven stages of human consciousness is a journey of constant self-awareness and correction. By recognising and refusing to operate from places of anger, greed, and hate, we can foster a life of balance, harmony, and spiritual fulfilment. With practical tools and a commitment to conscious leadership, we can transform not only our lives but also the lives of those around us.

Thanks for tuning in to ‘The Anti-Guru Guru Show.’ If you enjoyed this post, share it with a friend who needs a reality check. Until next time, keep it real, keep it messy, and keep practising. See you soon!

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