We live in revolutionary times and our lives are being altered in ways we cannot predict. Every major institution is being transformed. Our most deeply held values are in dispute and the nature of personal relationships is changing drastically.
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Our capacity to feed and house ourselves, to live healthy and useful lives, to work productively with one another, and to pass on a decent world to our children, is in doubt. As a result, anyone who wants to generate meaningful responses to the events of the times must consider whether traditional ways of thinking (polarised) need to be upgraded. Moving from Motivation to Inspiration.An evolutionary individual is the unique person who has a deep commitment to living consciously. They have broken with conventional motivational thinking, they wish to lead or support leadership, in any field of life, while enjoying, celebrating the moment.The life-force of community and family change is personal change, and the people who are changing their thinking in order to live productively in this new age can create extraordinary results. We all want those changes – to see the world as a better place, to improve our health, family, business and relationships. We want change and we all want those changes to happen sooner rather than later.
This coaching and training has been designed to offer those who are ready, a process for those changes.
My intent is to cross boundaries that are usually held well apart: to integrate health, success and happiness: life mastery, into one philosophy. I think it is time to challenged the conventional way of managing our lives and my coaching and training presents an insight into that potential for my students.
Moving from Motivation to Inspiration, we have a golden opportunity to change the way we work and relate. Inspired thinking is a more sophisticated understanding of the dynamics of life to bridge the gap between current reality and future possibility.
Inspired thinking harness’s the gifts of mind development at their highest levels to gain a deeper understanding of the human condition. It is a non-denominational awareness, one that everyone, no matter what their cultural or religious background can embrace. It is transparent and free for examination. It is deep yet simple, and most of all it is REAL.
More than amassed capital or technology or knowledge or connections, it is this Inspired Thinking, a flexible and inventive approach to life that will determine who recognises new resources, creates global brands, builds humanitarian business and keeps their mind body and spirit alive to enjoy the results. And this is the mission of my life coaching and training.
In this coaching and training, i use nearly 40 years of experience, training and educating people to work as effectively as possible. The process I share encourages and enables my students to become moved by an expansive vision. To be fascinated by life and driven to experience it fully. To respond well to change although they do not necessarily have to like it. To think clearly when information is uncertain and belief structures are impaired. To see connections between a fast moving world and their vision, and master the art of keeping an open and receptive state of mind that is not paralysed by information not expected. To work inspired even with the full diversity of people and to communicate honestly, pursue compelling vision and engage with integrity.Inspired Thinking means, Putting the heart and soul back into business and life . It is totally aligned with the outcomes of great health, wealth, success and happiness. The primary difference is the opportunity to be more fulfilled and more motivated by our inner resources than the outer ones, to create a global consciousness instead of a local one, to look at the consequences of our actions in the long-term as well as the short-term.
Inspired thinking encourages and stimulates, radical curiosity and wisdom. Inspiration is a state available to us all. Inspiration gives us the motivation to be free to experience the majesty of our lives and to do what we love in our life. Inspiration is a science and the objective of my coaching and training is purely and simply the communication of that science.