I would suggest really strongly that sadness is a really big mind noise, spinning around there thinking, “I’ll be really sad about this, and it’ll make a big difference.” It doesn’t. Your sadness makes things worse. And so the process of getting above sadness and moving through sadness quickly is a process to allow you to act on the thing that is causing you to be sad so that you can make a contribution without lowering the tone of your house, your family, your relationship, your peers, everybody around you. Sadness does not add value. Action does. This is Chris please enjoy the audio and video of this next step in dealing with mind noise.
0:00 Well, gday sadness is what we’re talking about today, and we’re talking about, of course, the topic is mind noise and mind noise. 0:09 Well, I’ve just done a big, big audio about mind noise and how it affects your mind, your body, your health, your finances, your business decisions. 0:23 It affects your relationship. It affects everything in your life. Comes down to mind noise. What I said in the audio, and to repeat it and summarize it, is that in your body there are microchips, <laugh> planted their by your brain and they’re called body memories. 0:43 When people start to talk about changing a life, changing a human being’s performance, they’ll often compartmentalize the problem. They’ll say, this person has a relationship problem. 0:55 This person has a business problem. This person has a a mental problem, this one has a health problem. And I think because we have specialists dealing in each of these areas, it’s very convenient to compartmentalize the problem and say, you have a mental problem or you have a stress problem, or you have a health problem, or you have something or a spiritual problem. 1:18 But we are holistic human beings. And unless you deal with the problem holistically, what’s very likely to happen. And what does happen is that you change one thing in the relationship, which screws up your work, which you, and then you ch fix your work and it screws up something in your health, and then you screw up something. 1:37 Then you fix something in your financials, which makes something go wrong with your family and your children. And the idea of my noise is to recognize that it all comes back to the voices and the thoughts and the beliefs that are already circulating in your mind. 1:53 And those thoughts and beliefs that are circulating in your mind are basically driven by belief patterns that have become automatic pilot that you don’t question. 2:08 So if we can change a belief pattern that you don’t question, if you can actually question that belief pattern, then you will get massive change because it affects all seven areas of life. 2:20 And it’s not so much what you think that’s important. It’s how you think. For example, an emotional thought is this will be better. 2:28 An emotional thought will, could be, oh, that’d be worse. An emotional thought could be if we do this, this is a good thing to do. 2:39 If we do this, it’s a bad thing to do. If we, if I if, if, should I buy it or should I not? 2:46 Well, there’s more benefits to buying than not. These are emotionally made decisions and they are fought with danger, and they all come from my noise and they all cause my Noise. 2:59 So if you, if you do something based on better or less, better or more positive than less positive, it’s highly likely you’re going to engage yourself in a turbulence in your head, which you’re probably not going to see the, the results of until sometime down the track when they’ll either be a mental or a, a physical or a relationship or a social or a financial or a business help problem as a result. 3:28 So trying to get my noise to calm and to try and find the base from which you can operate and allow noise to be there, but not let it affect you, that’s the cream. 3:41 So today we’re talking about sadness. There is a universal law, and the universal law is nothing’s ever missing. So sadness is the loss. 3:51 We’ve lost something. Typically what I’ll do with a person who’s facing sadness, no matter whether it’s a complete a death of a person or the loss of something that they thought they were going to have or sadness of a lost opportunity, I, I will typically get them to do a bunch of columns. 4:09 And those columns will be the first column is what’s missing? What are you sad about? Second column will be, what was the drawback of the way it used to be that you were holding onto? 4:22 What’s the benefit of the new way that you found it in, in the way that it’s come to you that you’re not recognizing? 4:30 The fourth column would be, would be the drawback if it was the way you wanted it. What’s the drawback of getting what you were sad about? 4:41 What’s the drawback of holding onto it? So we create columns to, to really allow us to explore the possibility that nothing’s ever missing. 4:55 And if nothing’s ever missing, there’s nothing to be sad about. Now, I know as an example, there is an earthquake at the moment in Turkey and Syria that’s really severe, and hundreds of thou, or hundreds of thousands of people have been affected. 5:14 And you can become really sad about that topic. The question is, does your sadness make a difference? And what is your sadness doing to the people around you that aren’t affected by the earthquake? 5:28 We can have compassion, which means we recognize the importance of this problem, and if we really are concerned about it, we can donate money or give kindness to these people. 5:39 But sadness doesn’t have a result. Your sadness is actually a lowering of the energy and the tone and the power and the contribution of you to do something about something. 5:56 So I would suggest really strongly that sadness is a really big mind noise, spinning around there thinking, I’ll be really sad about this, and it’ll make a big difference. 6:07 It doesn’t. Your sadness makes things worse. And so the process of getting above sadness and moving through sadness quickly is a process to allow you to act on the thing that is causing you to be sad so that you can make a contribution without lowering the tone of your house, your family, your relationship, your peers, everybody around you. 6:31 Sadness does not add value. Action does. This is Chris. You have a beautiful day. Bye for now.