Introducing the 30 Day Coaching Challenge.

Like you, I’m no stranger to struggles. I know what it feels like to push myself to the edge, to test my limits. I know the desire to keep improving, to get better and do more.
And perhaps like you, I used to doubt myself more than I should. My motivation ebbed and flowed. I wondered if I really wanted to deal with the emotions and challenges of life and work.

I got nervous. I didn’t always learn from my experiences.

Sometimes my confidence seemed as far away as the top of Mt Everest. In these times I could feel strong physically, but not always mentally.

And probably like you, up until a certain crisis time in my life, I never seriously tried to change that.
But ask any high achiever and they’ll tell you that same story. That eventually it became a choice to change or surrender, and most, like me, decided the former. Building mental power is a the key part of how they achieved success.

We spend so much time emulating those we respect as leaders in business or sport or even parenting socially that we fail to see the amount of time and energy they put into their personal and spiritual growth. How much time they spent invested in skills to handle the tough times and stay loyal to their values.

Why is that? It’s true that we may not be vying for the CEO top step of the stock exchange or the wealthiest person on earth, but we all have goals. We all want to improve and be successful in our own way.

If anything, a strong mental, spiritual, emotional game is even more important  for those of us who work in full-time jobs, with families, and limited time to invest getting off track or wallowing, adrift in uncertainty.

And so we give you The Chris Walker Innerwealth Back On Track 30 Day Challenge. The first step of our Complete Human Development Executive Coaching System  covering – Self Leadership and Life Balance.

Developed as a 3 day weekend retreat programme and now into a more DIY programme for balancing lives and presented to over 30,000 individuals over 20 years, we’ve worked hard to demystify  Mental, Spiritual, Emotional and Physical strength, giving you simple, practical and useful ways to develop a powerful life game.

Having developed the program by going through the growth myself, it’s changed  how I approach life balance, career opportunities, wealth creation, how I deal with emotional and mental challenge, and how  inspired I am to get the work done. Above all, it’s helped me  think more positively about life especially my capabilities.

And so, over the next four weeks, I’m going to do the same  for you. And just imagine what you can accomplish when you  truly, deeply know what you want, why you want it and have  the conviction that you can do it.

Believe in yourself. You can do it.



It’s what makes you get out of bed early to get to life when you’d rather hit snooze for another 15 minutes.
It’s what makes you hang on, in a challenge when your mind and emotions tells you to run.
It’s the clarity of knowing exactly what you want, why you want it and how you’re going to accomplish it.
It’s what is worth the resilience that allows you to bounce back from disappointments and set-backs.
It’s what makes you want to learn from both your mistakes and your successes so you can keep improving.
It’s the what that creates calm that comes with being organised and adaptable.
It’s the what makes you want to focus which allows you to dig deeper, push harder and reach farther than you thought possible.

It’s being disciplined and prepared.

It’s wholly responsible for what you achieve. It’s believing that you can. No matter what.



This programme will help you build your LIFE by  putting in place the four habits of the mentally inspired (which we’ll talk more about on the following pages) but in summary they are to Build, Store, Stop the Loss of and Direct Your Energy.

In this 30 day challenge I’ve focused on practical, common sense activities. Many of these activities will be things you’ll already know you should  be doing. Some will be new to you.

All will be useful.

We’ll start you off gradually, helping you get clarity on the things that are important to you. We’ll give you some tasks to complete and some simple systems to put in place.

As time goes on, you’ll build upon what you’ve learned. You’ll  add to your skills, deepen habits and strengthen convictions. You’ll find your confidence growing and discover new, positive ways to think about yourself and others.

When you’re done with all the modules, you’ll be a different person than when you started not because you need to be different, but because you will see things in a whole new light.

So, welcome to The Innerwealth 30 Day Challenge Back on Track Programme. Remember, you can do this programme every month of your life for the rest of your life. It’s a program like the rings of a tree that grow with you. Evolve you. Clear frustrations.

I’m Chris, I founded Innerwealth Technologies nearly 35 years ago and have been on the march, travelling the world sharing these skills all over the planet. My mission is to change the world one heart at a time and if you are here, listening to this, I’m succeeding. I also the only and therefore your business and life coach here at Innerwealth as well as Innerwealth’s Chief Butt Kicker.

In addition to being the chief architect of The Innerwealth Training and Wisdom technologies, I’ve also worked with some of the most successful executives, performers and leaders in the  world. I’ve worked with first nation in Canada and other countries. I’ve taken over 56 groups to the high Himalayas and bought everyone home safe. And most importantly, I’ve learnt from everyone Ive been gifted to touch. From guru’s in the Himalayas, Shastri in Tibet, Shaman in Colombia and North America and more. I’ve put East and West together, inseparably, using the umbrella wisdom of the Universal laws of Nature.

The successful person is the one who is clearest about their goals, has unwavering focus, reflects on their performances and tries to improve, and approaches every day with a positive mindset. These are just Four Habits of the Mentally Inspired and we’re going to build them stronger in you. They are all based on those universal laws.

Whether you’re looking for the top job or just trying to improve your quality of life, thinking and feeling good, you will benefit from the techniques and exercises the top people I coach in the world use to sharpen their mental, spiritual and emotional game.

This programme will also give you a clearer sense of purpose, stronger motivation, and a greater sense of self-confidence. By training your mind to think inspiration over motivation, you’ll be able to more effectively train yourself, mind, body and spirit to become a truly complete success and accomplish things you didn’t even realise you were capable of at work.

Now it’s time to act.

First, if you’re reading this online, you need to download and print the workbook. At the start of  each week, I’ll provide an overview of the coming week in the workbook, including what we’ll  be covering and why those topics are important to a strong life game.

Congratulations on starting this programme.  

You’re already a step ahead of everyone else.


Anyone who wants to improve their performance. This isn’t just for competitive executives, but for anyone who wants to be more focused,  driven, motivated, and successful.


  • A series of modules online at
  • Audio, video  with a few e-books thrown in.
  • A workbook, which contains the schedule and exercises you’ll need to complete.
  • 20 One on One online coaching sessions
  • Plus 4 longer sessions for serious depth.


  • A Cell Phone and some skills on the computer.
  • A printed copy of this workbook. We recommend  putting it in a binder to keep things organised.
  • Sticky notes & tape.
  • Something to write with.
  • A daily routine and plan. Technically this isn’t required but we  recommend it. Routines and plans provide a good  framework for your exercises and goals. Don’t have one?  The first coaching session includes an overview of routines for all  experience levels and disciplines.


The main part of the programme takes four weeks to complete. For those focusing on a specific outcomes, we  also offer ongoing executive coaching.

With Spirit

Chris Walker

Founder & Chief Evolveyabastard Butt Kicker Officer. Innerwealth Technologies.