
Our whole unique process of improving is to change one - change all, unblock the block, and raise quality of life in all areas.

The core of Improvement

People get off track, lose their sense of purpose, feel unfulfilled or depressed because somewhere their life is blocked. 

We think different...

If I asked you to score yourself on a 1 – 10 against each of the 7 elements (where 10 is blissfully happy and content and 1 is suicidally depressed), how would this look? 

Your ‘VIP’ score would be the total of the seven scores. What is it? Are you happy with that?

The normal reaction for blocked people (low scores below 5 in any area of life) is to focus solely on one or two of these areas of life. For example, if you are down in your career, you might turn to a coach. Down in health, you might end up at a gym or personal trainer. Mentally down, you might start meditating, and so on.


The problem with this is that as one aspect grows, another shrinks. You’re blocked at work so you decide to drive harder but as a result, your family and love-life gets put on the sidelines for a while. Or if your finances are blocked you might start worrying about money and ignore your health. Your overall score – Your VIP score (the sum of all the individual scores)  doesn’t change; it simply changes shape. Old blockages may go away, new ones appear.

It becomes a never-ending firefighting exercise, and there is always something going wrong.

Our Process for Improvement

Change one - Change all.

Personal Improvement Process

By Chris Walker