Do you put your Heart and soul into your work and life?

If you love your partner with your heart and soul you will not see fault in this person. Yes you may have emotions from time to time that react to them and judge them but you will not be weak enough to react on that basis. There are two yous, one of which is finite and material the other is the deeper spiritual mental part of yourself from which you can love. A weak person will claim to love from this outer surface of finite material mind and vacillate between attraction and repulsion, like and dislike, infatuation and resentment, and elation and depression. A weak person will, with lack of strength, be like a cork in the ocean bouncing around claiming love but not being able to understand the difference between their two minds.

But not being able to understand the difference between their two minds.

All decisions made from the outer mind, the material mind, the finite mind lack authenticity and inspiration and a based purely on the ego. The ego is a collection of learnt response, influenced response, educated response and experience response that is extraordinarily unreliable. People who function at this level do not understand the laws that govern the deeper and more beautiful experience of life from the inner mind.

The deeper and more beautiful experience of life from the inner mind.

To the ordinary “person in the street“ A thought is an “airy nothing“ – A mere Flash in the consciousness – it comes, it goes, and there is an end to it. To my students, the student of the inner mind, thought is known to be the power that is greater than any other power – a force that controls all other forces.

A poet once wrote;

“It thinks, and Suns spring into shape;

It wills, and Worlds disintegrate;

It loves and Souls are born.“

The outer mind is now influenced more than ever before in the history of humankind. We have podcasts and blogs and books and Netflix and 1 million other sources of influence (including family , lovers, ex lovers, and friends) – people of the ordinary life – that weak people allow to influence them and therefore have no real control or self mastery . These ordinary thinkers are left in a state of victimhood and random reaction to circumstances which is in itself a form of poverty.

They seek medical help to calm their mind, they seek medication or substances, drugs, to overcome anxiety and the only form of work that they know is a grumpy resentment toward tasks that must be completed by a certain end date. It is like walking around with a blindfold on complaining about walking into brick walls. Tasks that must be completed by a certain end date.

It is like walking around with a blindfold on complaining about walking into brick walls.

The alternative takes Faith that there is another way of operating in the world based on the laws of nature, the universal laws that govern life. Those laws do not argue against ambition nor do they threaten desire or pleasure but instead create a different scenario to achieving those outcomes without the casino like gambling of randomised thinking and emotional reaction (judgement, envy, jealousy, anger, fear, guilt).

My students understand this difference and operate on the basis that the conscious mind is an instructor to the subconscious mind which is the manifesto of life. Therefore for my students there is a strong motivation to cause thoughts in the conscious mind that are aligned with the outcomes they aspire to in life. We use denials, affirmations, visualisation‘s and control the ego mind by applying the universal laws of nature to prevent the ego from destroying rather than allowing the subconscious to cause what we want.

The mindset of a conscious person who wishes to be in love at home and at work;

“I am going to close my eyes to the imperfections of other people and endeavour only to see the good points. Everyone has lovable traits in their character. Even the hardest “case“ has a “soft spot“ somewhere, therefore in future I will look only for the lovable traits and see the “soft spots.“ In everyone I shall see something to admire and respect, something to love . And I will not stop with people. I will also look for the good in every circumstance, in every difficulty, in every failure. I will look for the good in every blade of grass and every opening flower, in the wind blows and the sun that burns my cheek. Rain or sunshine, fair weather or bad, I will see good in everything, see perfection underlying all. Out of these will grow a new empathy, a more expansive and embracing love, a larger and wider consciousness, for everyone and everything are my brothers and sisters, family, each forms a part of one whole, we are one with each other and the universal laws of which we all belong. We are simply an individual part of a fabric that connects us.”


In business and at work you can allow your subliminal mind to solve your problems. This is referred to as inspiration. It takes some practice and do not be disheartened simply try until you succeed. One word of warning. After receiving your answer in the early morning, you get started with your work, exercises or whatever your duties may be and you think that the answer that came to you as a flash of inspiration must be a mistake, so opposed to ordinary worldly wisdom that you begin to distrust it. Don’t be deceived, what you have received by inspiration is the truest wisdom, and the so-called “wisdom“ which now try to reverse the decision, will, if followed, lead you to confusion and distress. Infinite wisdom always appears to be foolish to a finite person.

You can never be successful if you allow thoughts of weakness or failure or fear to enter your subconscious mind. The one great outstanding characteristic that distinguishes successful people from the unsuccessful, is their absolute belief and faith in their own ability to succeed. Thoughts of failure, or fear, never enter into the mind of the truly successful person. If you examined the character of any great and truly successful person, you will find this dominant characteristic – absolute faith in their own success, and with it an entire absence of fear or weakness.

but how if this is so, do you deal with the negativity and mundane attitudes of the finite individual? Business partner or spouse may be filled with fears, anxieties and finite perceptions of life and voice these opinions as if they are the truth toward you. And this is where strength becomes merged with kindness. Four on the one hand you will be required to deny their affirmation of weakness, on the other hand you will be required to affirm your strength and conviction, and yet do this without reaction and with absolute kindness. This is the test. Can you walk amongst people of finite mind utilising the subconscious and your infinite mind, holding your strength but allowing them ignorance?

all reaction, no matter how it is masked or presented is a sign of weakness. The process that I will share below is how you can sustain your strength while allowing others to operate in a level of finite weakness in their ego dictated to by their ever vulnerable conscious mind and therefore at the influence of all the winds that blow in their life. In other words subject to emotional perceptions of the senses. They believe what they see, smell, taste, feel, hear is real. Nothing can be further from the truth. they believe their finite, thinking mind, causes reality. And this is the life of the ordinary person.

Therefore it is certain that you can never be successful if you allow doubt and fear (your own or others) to enter your mind; it is only with mind control you can cast out fear and doubt that you can enter the path that leads to success.

Some people are successful and are not conscious of the laws which govern success. They unconsciously work according to the law – by instinct rather than by knowledge. It is because they are naturally people of large faith and unfailing courage that they have become successful.

Therefore, you too, in order to succeed, must have a large faith and unfailing courage. Faith in the power within you and the courage that is born of knowledge. – You can be placed on the same footing as that of any other successful person, in fact you will be better equipped than the naturally successful person, for possessing knowledge will enable you to avoid many errors, into which they, through ignorance of the law, might fall.

Therefore in your reading, television watching, and podcast listening must close your eyes to all suggestions which are antagonistic to your newly found knowledge.

Third. By denial and affirmations you create a new mental outlook.

By denial you obtain immediate relief from your troubles. For instance if, when you are in pain, you will deny that there is pain in your perfect mental world (sub conscious) and raise yourself above the ordinary life of the senses and realise that you, your higher mental self, are a perfect state of perfect mind, a mental creature, incapable of being attacked by pain, then pain will quickly go. In the same way whatever trouble may confront you, by denial you obtain immediately relief.

Denial kills the (negative sabotage message) “evil” thought which is the cause of all trouble, and cleans and purifies the mind, making it ready for the affirmation.

Always precede an affirmation with the necessary denial. If you are going to affirm health, then first deny ill-health, sickness and disease. If you are going to affirm success, first deny failure, if you wish for prosperity and plenty, then first deny poverty and want, so as to get the mind ready for the affirmation:

“I am success; prosperity and plenty are already mine.“

But, you exclaim, how can I truthfully affirm that I am that which I know myself not to be?

The answer is: there are two yous. There is a finite, outside, surface material you, and there is the great and glorious inner spiritual and mental being which is the real you. The former is a week and a course reflection of the latter. This glorious and real you is perfect and lives in a perfect mental world. When you affirm in your perfect mental world, that you are perfect you mean the real and Sublime you, and you are telling the truth. Whatever good quality you affirm is quite true, because you (yourself, the real you) Are perfect. By denial of evil and imperfection and by the affirming of infinite perfection you destroy evil in your material life and bring it more into harmony with the perfect life.

What you affirm in your perfect mental world, is later, and sometimes instantaneously, manifest in your material world.

An affirmation has been described by one writer as “a statement of truth consciously used so it becomes the directing power of life‘s expression“. This is a good and true definition. Scientists will tell you that the submerged mind of a human being only operates on suggestion. So powerful is the hidden mind and so subject to suggestion that we have in affirmations, a weapon of extraordinary powerful good, and in negative suggestion a terrible powerful evil.

When we use the affirmation we make a statement of truth which, if repeated often enough, will sink down into the recesses of our mind and become part of our everyday life it will galvanise the hidden forces of our mind into activity and guide them into the path of achievement.

If, in the past, you have been a failure then by constantly affirming “I am success,“ you’ll be gradually cleared of the weak fear “giving up too soon” person and the attitude of your material mind, will be replaced by the mental outlook of courage, cheerfulness, optimism and belief in your ability to succeed.

Failure or lack of success in life is not, as I have already pointed out, due to outward circumstances, but is simply a weakness of character. By affirmations you can build up your character and make former weak points the strongest in your armour.

It is by affirmations then that people can control themselves, build up their character and shape their own destiny.

It was for this reason that I gave you in your earlier lessons the affirmation, which is a denial and an affirmation combiner,

“the old life is dead, I have entered the new life of success and power“

In that affirmation consciously applied and persevered with, you kill the old life of failure and partial success, and step out definitely into a new life of power and accomplishment. As a consequence, you will look at life in a different way, you will act in a different manner, you will attract different kind of people. Soon you begin to see evidence of the truth of these teachings manifested in your life and circumstances.

Therefore you can, by affirmations, make yourself bullet-proof against harmful suggestions that meet you at every turn of hand. By affirmations you build up courageous, confident, hopeful, cheerful, absolutely certain attitude of mind, which is the only type of mind that you can readily succeed with.

As you begin to see evidence of your working of your newly found power, you feel lifted up in a strange and wonderful way. You feel as if you are being carried forward, by invisible powers, to success; it is as though some impelling force were pushing you in the back and urging you forward to the goal of your endeavour.

Therefore, persist and persevere with your affirmations. Continue to look for difficult tasks, and unpleasant, but very necessary duties and aided by the power of affirmations, do them.

Make affirmations to suit your own particular needs;

If you are too energetic and inclined to run yourself to pieces, and rush and tear about and get your own nerves and everybody else’s on edge, affirm as follows; “I am perfectly calm, cool and collected. I refuse to get excited or flustered. I work quietly and methodically.“ Then mentally picture yourself at work in a very calm, cool and collected way, without hurry, fluster or excitement. You will find your work go so much better in consequence and certainly not less quickly.

If on the other hand, you are inclined to be lazy or lethargic affirm as follows; “I am the personification of productivity and energy. I am busy from morning until night.“ Then picture yourself hard at work, doing good work and plenty of it. This you will find will help you vastly in enabling you to “stick“ to your task and to keep sticking to it day after day after day.

That you have with in your grasp the power by which you can overcome every weakness of character; a key which will unlock every door and which is the ”Open-Sesame” to the unlimited treasure house of the universal mind.

By the use of this wonderful power you can turn failure into success, sorrow into joy, sickness into health, mediocrity into genius.

To you all things are possible – strength of purpose, the joy of achievement, all the glories of life of self mastery.

To you is given to taste of the delights of heaven while on earth – for heaven and Hell are within you, they are simply mental states.

Into those who attain the amazing height of self-mastery, onto them who can stand erect, unafraid and untroubled by the things that run the hearts of people; and to those who are master of their passions, their emotions, their circumstances and their life; into such a person has come that for which the world has longed and strived for in vain, about which philosophers, poets and seers have, for centuries, spoken and written, and yet never been able to grasp or hold.

To one who overcomes themselves, they overcome the world; all its treasures are poured at their feet; “All the divine forces hasten to minister to their eternal joy.“

Dear student, all this is for you. Persevere with the denials, affirmations and practice the visualisation exercises as taught in this course and you can never fail to succeed beyond your wildest dreams.

For practicing the visualisation exercises, picture the window frame of your bedroom, trace the wood of which it is made, step-by-step, progress and process, right back to its original form, the tree in the forest. See clearly and distinctly every stage leave out no detail.

The practice; repeat daily…

“In future I am going to close my eyes to the imperfections of other people and endeavour only to see the good points. Everyone has lovable traits in his or her character. Even the hardest “case“ has a “soft spot“ somewhere, therefore in future I will look only for the lovable traits and the “soft spots“. In everyone I shall see something to admire and reverence, something to love.

And I shall not stop with people. I will also look for the good in every circumstance in every difficulty, in every failure. I will look for the good in every blade of grass and every opening flower, in the wind that blows and the sun that burns my cheek. Rain or sunshine, fair-weather or foul, I will see good in everything, see perfection underlying all. Out of these will grow a new sympathy, a more extensive and embracing love, and larger and wider consciousness, for everyone and everything are my sisters and brothers, each forms apart of the one whole, we are one with one another and the universal life and mind of which we each form an individual part.

Continue to get your subliminal mind to solve your problems. Do not be disheartened by failures, simply try again until you succeed. One word of warning. After receiving your answer in the early morning, you get to business, or practice, or go for a run or whatever your work may be, and you may think that the answer which came to you as a flash of inspiration must be a mistake, so opposed does it appear to ordinary worldly wisdom. Don’t be deceived, what do you have received by inspiration is the sublimest wisdom, and the so-called “ego or logic wisdom“ which now seeks to reverse the decision, will, if followed, lead you to confusion and disaster. Infinite wisdom always appears to be foolish to a finite person. Continue to hold a vision of glorious health and eternal usefulness ever before your mental eyes. Also deny sickness and affirm health, not in a strained way, but with confidence and conviction.

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