From the get go, you know the importance of a great home. Here’s a few hints to make the time you spend there, even more valuable.
0:24 Good Morning, good afternoon, wherever you are. This is Chris. Today, we’re gonna continue from yesterday. We’re starting off with Reboot your home ground advantage in your home. You’re going to want to reboot yourself and get ready for a day at work. 0:40 And that really process is gonna depend on what sort of animal you are. Yes, it’s the animal core of the human nature that needs to go home and reboot, get some exercise, go for a walk eat the right food, and prepare for what we call the hunt. 0:58 Prepare for what’s going to be a hard, stressful day’s work. And that means put into your body, the nourishment and the energy and the vitality you’re going to need to get the day’s work done tomorrow, the next day, and the next. 1:13 The second phase of home is the self in your, in your home. Your appetite is to become you. Yet it’s really simple in theory, but the practice is not so simple. 1:27 So let’s talk about that quickly. You could be a fire type. If you’re a fire type of person, the sorts of things you’re going to want to do at home to be, you are quite active, quite changing. 1:39 If you’re a etheric type, the sorts of things you’re going to be doing at home are, could be daydreaming or meandering around in the garden to be you. 1:49 If you’re a water type of person, you’ll probably want to nurture family and friends. And if you’re an etheric an air type of person, you’ll probably want to party and dance and run around and do as much as you possibly can get in. 2:05 If you’re an earth person, it could even be counting bitcoins or valuing the property you’re in. Most importantly, to find out what is your element and make sure you use that when you’re becoming you at home. 2:19 Your home environment is the next step in home ground advantage. And your home environment is a very, very tricky one because there are multiple people wanting multiple activities. 2:33 But the bottom line of a home ground advantage built at home is that you develop a, a sense of self that wants to play, wants to nourish itself. 2:46 Now, this can come in many different forms, but the most important thing to realize here is that it’s very childlike. 2:55 It’s very childlike, and it’s very, very self-sufficient. Many people spoil this childlike approach by being very adult on themselves. They stop themselves giggling, and they wait for permission for other, from other people to have a laugh to enjoy themselves. 3:15 They try to make other people laugh in, in order to find that joy within. But the soul things in pictures and the, and the condition of an individual when it sets itself to go and be alone with nature, to connect with nature is not a serious topic. 3:33 It’s this topic of beauty, of joy, of love, of stillness, of soul, and it’s absolutely self-sufficient. There are many people who wait for permission to be this child. 3:46 They want their partner to cuddle them, nurture them, tickle them, feed them, and in, in order to be this innocent, wonderful, connected child, and they start treating their partner as a parent, and their partner becomes the permissive one, the one that they say, can we have fun together? 4:06 Can we go and go for a, a walk together? Can we be together? That is a completely different part of the self, and we’ll get to that in a minute. 4:16 But right now we are talking about home life and we are talking about the part of home ground advantage that we need to be accountable for finding that sweetness. 4:26 It isn’t a codependency on another person to cuddle us. We needed to have grown up from that and become our own parent. 4:35 The parent who cuddles us, the parent who nurtures us, the parent who plays with us. We needed to become that at a very, very young age. 4:44 In a healthy home, this happens to children automatically, but in an unhealthy one. People hang on and ask their parents for permission to be themselves, to be happy, to be laughing, to be playing. 4:59 Now, unrequired joy, joy it you’ll see in a minute in the video, unrequited joy comes from children when they’re having so much fun. 5:10 They forget that they’re having fun. They lose themselves. They get lost in the joy of being, they get lost in the exploration of adventure. 5:19 They get lost in amongst all the things. They’re not worrying about what other people think. So we are not talking at this stage of home, a ground advantage of competitive sports or playing with friends so much. 5:33 We’re talking about nourishing the soul, self-sufficiency, nourishing the soul, not being co-dependent on another person to get permission. We are feeding ourselves at a very, very deep level. 5:47 One of the most profound ways of doing that, in my opinion, and one of the things that’s most missing in our society is an individual’s right to connect with nature, to connect with a pet, and just be, to just absorb the love and the friendship and the kindredness that comes from being alone with a 6:08 pet or playing absolutely wild child in the snow or wherever it is out in the surf. And instead of trying to swim 50 laps of a swimming pool, instead of trying to ride a hundred kilometers on a bike, instead of trying to do something to go out and be, to go out and be, and this is one of the 6:30 most important things. We are not little penguins. We are not running around waiting for permission. We are self-sufficient individuals, which will lead us to the last step of home, ground and vantage, which may confront some people. 6:46 It may not. Home life is when you develop your superpower In your home. The desire is to be joyful, fun, happy, ambitious, valued, dr. 7:02 Driven, and yet relaxed. And that really means owning your power in the world, not just in or amongst your home. 7:10 And I want to use this illustration here in this video of a human being who has developed their superpowers. They’re not afraid to give power to their partner either, because if you feel powerful within, if you feel like you’ve got a purpose of vision and mission and ambitions and your values driven 7:30 , you’re not afraid to demonstrate it. You’re not afraid to own it. You’re not hiding behind a house or a car or a bus or what other people think. 7:38 You’ve owned your uniqueness. You, you are willing to empower and, and empower others, and you’re not afraid of them running away from you. 7:47 You in other language. You own your destiny. Now, this is a very, very powerful and creative space, but it must be achieved at home and taken to work, not got from work and taken home. 8:01 This is a most important creative potential of a human being. You need to spend time at home owning this power. 8:10 This is Chris home ground advantage. Every sports team who plays at home ends up with home ground advantage. I think you know what I’m talking about here. 8:20 This is Chris. You have a beautiful day. Bye for now.