Chris Walker Innerwealth Daily Power Hour … Absolutely Unique..

In 2010 Chris relocated his entire business back to Australia and decided to focus purely on inspiring individuals through coaching. His motto became “changing the world one heart at a time.”

This shift came at a conference. He was speaking to over 1,000 people and asked for a show of hands “Who thinks this company needs change?” the response was nearly 100% affirmative. He then asked “who’s first?” And there was only one person who raised their hand, the person who had booked him.

Change is Chris’ mastery. But change for Chris means we blame no one. We become accountable for our role in family, work and global circumstances. We must become the change we want in the world.

Individualising global change seems like the long road but in fact every individual who steps forward to create inspiration in their own life, impacts thousands. And this tiny stone in a lake can truly make personal coaching a far more powerful opportunity than it’s most known benefit in healing and success for the individual.

By drawing a line like this, Chris becomes one of the world’s most experienced and knowledgable coaches. It’s not just about fixing things, it’s about building a better world and not being part of the mass of consciousness engaged and entrapped in emotion.

The Unique Daily Power Hour

The pain of regret outweighs the pain of discipline

Chris Walker

When you observe the world of human development and business development you will see a fixation on being a better version of yourself. Character defining personality tests, 360 degree feedback loops and an infinite number of pyramids to explain how you can be a better version of yourself. They all have one thing in common, an end game. There is some belief in the world that if you get it right, you’ll have it right forever.

But it doesn’t work. And for all the self help, corporate training and personal development that’s taken place over the last 30 years, mental health is worse than ever, pharmaceuticals for life improvement are selling better than ever. People with depression are giving their friends life advice, which of course, leads to more depression.

Chris created the daily power hour to lift real leaders of humanity out of that mud-bucket of trivialised end game solutions and create a holistic process for trouble prevention rather than cure. He’s emphasised the importance of competence at work for the preservation of the sanctuary of home. And, most important, Chris offers the tools to stay balanced, stay un-stressed, stay healthy and happy so the ideas of rebalancing, de-stressing and regret can be wiped out of the corporate language.

The Power Hour Explained

You evolve. No choice. You either adapt, evolve and change, or you go to an early grave. Sorry to be harsh but that’s reality. Hard work doesn’t evolve you. Long hours don’t evolve you. Stress evolves you, but it’s brutal. Heart break, rejection and emotional pain evolves you but seriously, hitting yourself with a baseball bat? There’s got to be a better way… the cost of experience is far too high and a hospital bed is the most expensive seminar on earth. Chris brings you the Evolve method, or in Canadian “Evolve-ya-bastard”…

60 minutes a day, including going for a walk, exercise, play, and all the mobile meditation you need. We’d bet it’s currently taking 120 minutes just to recover after a day at work…plus weekends. What if we eliminated that 120 minutes including the appetite for alcohol to help it and gave that time back to you in hugs, kisses and joy? What if you finished the day with more energy than you started with? How would that impact your home life? Brilliantly I’d assume.

The Chris Walker Innerwealth Power Hour Revolutionises human development and self leadership for executives and professionals. It cuts so much waste that’s considered normal and gives it back to you in time and life.

You’re going to start the day with a clear mind… this is what a client wrote about it.

Chris, your work is more than just digging deep, it’s about taking control & driving the bus. It’s about clever use of time & resources to be absolutely present in each of the different pieces of the puzzle. I found your work with me to be about clearing a rolling fog that if allowed, will persist throughout the day/week/month/year. What I’ve achieved is an effective morning, combining the elements of healthy food, exercise and focus on the current task and making time for the big picture, all threaded together in a way that hits these pieces at full throttle. This approach brings the relief and release that comes with knowing you have had a solid, effective crack at something without the fog of distraction, without competing alternatives for any given minute or hour. Shift Happens and Chris Walker Innerwealth Self Leadership is the best way of achieving it. 

You’re going to finish the day with more energy than you started… This is what a client wrote about it.

When Christopher Walker asked me to write this testimonial I was deeply honoured. He is a man that walks his talk, he is the model for the paradigm which he teaches. He teachings addresses that which transcends all religion and spirituality expanding perception, allowing individuals to cut thru obstacles, illusions and move forward in a practical and balanced manner and finally find a new way of being in with certainty, gratitude, love and inspiration. This man is an inspired human being and I am honoured to call him my best friend. I hope that the “” will be you as it has been for me- a nuts and bolts directory to bring more love, beauty harmony and inspiration into your life.

Being coached by Chris Walker is a challenge as your life is constantly under a microscope, your relationship with self and others, each other and your work. The beauty in this is that life becomes an experiment where clarity and simplicity replaces complexity. And as we travel thru our outer layers to touch truth our lives emanate with beauty, a deep love for all things and a knowingness of the harmony that exists

I have been searching for most of my life to bring my work and spirit together , to transform my life into one living organism. There were no laws, structures, religions, businesses that I could discover that would give me the tools to live as a whole being integrating my work and personal life, my inner and outer world. I have searched externally working in the fashion industry seeking out beauty and perfection as a model of achievement and success. I have shifted myself geographically studying other religions and cultures. I have. run international successful business in health and beauty. When I met Christopher walker I discovered that what I was looking for was already there all that needed changing was my perception. From making the internal change my heart opened unto itself and others. Instantaneously my whole world opened. The search was over. I have finally been able to transform my own life, come into my own being to live a life filled with inspiration. Chris Walkers book is a response to a need to restore a coherent culture, a way of thinking and perceiving which brings all aspects of life together. Work becomes play and play becomes work our family becomes a link for us to live with purpose and an inspired vision.

The core of Chris’s work comes down to this:

  • 1 congruency – aligning with purpose
  • 2 bridging the gap between intrinsic values and extrinsic values
  • 3 mind/heart unity
  • 4 engaging will
  • 5 living an inspired  life – life purpose

Through the process of recognising your intrinsic and extrinsic values we become aligned with truth an our consciousness can see clearly the wall which creates our misalignment. It is from this discovery we can dissolve the barrier and live from our true heart with harmony love and beauty. It is of course with clear perception and knowledge that we are enabled to act. Sometimes this requires the sword of truth to shatter our fears and interjected values that have become attached to our identity in order to grow and move forward toward our true selves and our true longings. These teachings are not superficially loving nor coated with candy or lined with fluffy adjectives. 

Christopher Walkers teachings are the truth of spirituality in action and it requires that we all become spiritual warriors and take up our swords to release unnecessary attachments or overcome obstacles so we may face the self, know thy self, love thy self and become a living creation of our souls purpose.

When one loves in this state of grace we are inspired beings. Our actions are imbued with clarity, consciousness, harmony as we move toward our souls longings.. When our being acts holistically with our intrinsic values aligning with our extrinsic values, our wants and actions in unity there is beauty, harmony, love, strength, inspiration, a deep inner peace and a conviction of integrity. We align ourselves to be congruent human beings. We live with our mind and hearts as one mind, one voice, one beat, one entity and our will no longer fragments as it has been empowered to listen to one vibration –mind/heart unity.

It is with the harmonising of these two forces that our spirits are freed to lead us and effect its true voice in the world. This the effect of ‘living in accordance with god’s will’ which has become new age terminology shrouded in mystery. It is a practical process and we all have the choice to live as inspired human beings.

This is the journey which Christopher Walker has himself embarked upon an now teaches others . It is a life based on inspiration, integrity and truth. Living our truth is the greatest gift of all. The search for something more is over as you become that which you seek and instead seek to live out the gift of your life’s work. When one surveys his teachings one is struck by their extraordinary richness and comprehensiveness. In innumerable lectures and talks given all over America, Europe and Australia, his inspired teachings enlightened all aspects of human life with simplicity and clarity and yet with the greatest depth.

Chris’s work covers all aspects of being from business to those of a more personal nature. His comprehension on the laws of relationship is a challenge for most yet it provides a couple with tools to experience the divinity of who they are as individuals and establish laws of longevity. To truly have an inspired relationship no greater gift can be given, nor received, than sharing, supporting challenging each other in carrying out our life’s work. It is then that congruent individuals filled with the spirit of love, inspired by the gift of creation can come together in truth. They exist as two notes coming together to harmonise and produce a melody.

‘Love is the nature of life, beauty is the outcome of life, harmony is the means by which life accomplishes its purpose, and the lack of its results in destruction.”

This is truly the mastery in which Chris Walker has over his own life and teaches others.

Chris has travelled over the last couple of years meeting tens of thousands of people. His coaching and the Innerwealth process is a response to the stresses of modern life, for people who are tired and overwhelmed and are yearning to take charge of their lives and make authentic statements of who they are. And in doing so simply be fulfilled.

Thank you