Innerwealth Blog

Business Self Leadership insights and articles written by Chris Walker

How to Improve Your Competitive Advantage

What to do today: You are your competitive advantage. There is no use copying anybody else otherwise you’ll become the same as them and they are probably better at being them than you are. This is all very simple. But the ability to let go when you need to, the

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How to Resolve Internal Conflict

What to do today: The idea of personal honour having something to do with emotional beliefs might be new to you. We do not, above all things, lie to ourselves. That is dishonourable and no matter what happens, it will cause us pain. When we react to someone, something, positive

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How to Resolve Conflict Wisely

What to do today: Your magnetism is your life-force. I radiates. People feel you long before they see you. That’s magnetism. It is not a loud voice or a blustering righteousness or child like excitement. It is a power. A force, an energy. It comes when you feel powerful. There

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How to Create A Better Outlook on The Future

What to do today: We have spoken about power. Human power. One thing that kills human power, and therefore success, is irritation. Whatever irritates you, you give power to. If a mouse irritates you, you give power to it. Do you want to empower those people who irritate you? I

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