At last, Life Purpose, Vision and planning all put together into a two day retreat, or a 30 day online programme.

This unbelievable 2 day or 30 day online program will not only provide you with an opportunity to master plan your life but it will give you tools to stay there and manifest through personal magnetism. In a beautiful setting, you will sit down and masterfully design the manifestation of your life: the way that you dream. The program also includes exercises for manifestation including Tai Chi and Yoga Class morning and night.

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Back on Track:

Here is an opportunity to update your inspiring mission statement; blueprint your heartfelt dreams; organise and prioritise your specific action steps; dissolve or discard low priority distractions; chunk down big fears into simple daily to-dos; and work out the many kinks of a masterful and fulfilling life.

Tools for Staying on Track:

This program introduces tools, exercises and clarity that will enable you to begin cultivating 4th dimension creativity, success, wealth and abundance. It is an advanced program for people seeking to create an outer life built on inner direction. It provides you with the necessary tools for living a more inspired, conscious and purpose driven life.

A Masterplan for your life – VIP – Vision, Inspiration and Purpose

• Vision – Knowing Where you are Going• Inspiration – Knowing why you are Going• Purpose – Knowing what you are doing and for whom

Your life purpose is your path. Your awareness of the divine and innate calling within you is a major step in achieving harmony. Your evolution is maximized when you are on this path. This is a place of true destiny and clarity. When you follow your heart you are following this path. It is the straight path, straight through the heart of opinion. You are on track, on purpose, when you follow this destiny, this challenge.

When you do what you love and love what you do, you are on track.– Christopher Walker.

The clearer your primary purpose the more you will live and fulfill it. Like the whole, which is greater than the sum of the parts, your statement of purpose represents the whole or primary fundamental decision in your present life. Once this master purpose is acknowledged or set, all other choices and objectives can be more effectively made. All further choices stem from your primary choice. If your primary choice is based on your loves, then all further choices will follow.

• Create a personal Business vision• Create your life mission• Create your life goals• Plan your goals for the next 5 years• Plan your goals for the next 12 months • Plan your normal month in advance• Create a daily to do list• Develop the habits of success

InnerWealth – absolutely magnetic

Be in the moment, and when the mind is balanced the body is balanced. Add gratitude and an Open Heart, Then there is no competition. Innerwealth is the most profound and simple distillation of the concepts of human consciousness available. Profound because it has been the search of so many over the centuries and simple because it is steeped in five basic principles –all of which are reflected in nature.

  • 30 days but you can take longer
  • Fully supported with coaching
  • Online content you can do at home or at work
  • Support for 12 months after completion
  • No AI – All Chris
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