There can be lots to be angry about. Anger is a huge and essential part of nature. Anger, like everything in the universe is a gift to you. You can use anger. Anger is not a bad thing. Anger is both good and bad. Anger is simply anger until you judge it.
Anger drives change. Anger reveals your opinions. Anger shows where you are blocked in love. Anger demonstrates where we are ignorant, opinionated and distracted. Nobody can be more angry at you than you are to yourself. Anger is a signpost – anger is a last ditch effort to give you the chance to evolve. Anger is, at the core of it, the force of life, prana, love, energy in it’s rawest most uncultured form. Anger is, at best, our primal nature exposed.
If we hate anger, we hate ourselves. If we condemn anger we condemn ourselves because all human beings have all human traits and anger is one. For those of us who understand human nature we value and respect anger, love it, and therefore get to use it for our purpose in life. For those who hate it, there is no control of it, and then it is worse than an untamed animal. Anger can if not loved, run us.
Do you want to be run by anger? I am not sure of your answer. One would project onto everyone that the answer would be no, but I have lived long enough to respect the fact that many people like being angry. Angry at their parents for 90 years, anger at God, anger at nature, anger at their spouse, anger at the Government, anger at their kids. There can be allot to feed that appetite to find something to be angry about.
Certain cultures love anger too. Anger at persecution can sit at the core of an entire generation or race or religion. Anger is here to stay and to assume people don’t want to be angry is a really naive assumption I made when I first started working with and inspiring people.
To accept humanity we must therefore accept the role of anger. We are not condoning violence, but realising that anger is here to stay might help us take some fuel off the fire that enables it.
Based on the realisation that anger is an essential part of the human condition we can witness what happens to a person who has no purpose greater than themselves. The fire is lit in their soul, a call to action but there is distraction, and that distraction must be bought under control. The angry person is trying to coat the world in leather, rather than wear a pair of leather sandals.
An angry parent wants to coat their children in something to make sure they don’t go in the opposite direction to the parent’s guidance. Which, if there is anger in that parent’s attitude, reveals the parent loving the child enough to prevent them experiencing “what happened to me because of my bad parents.” Anger in this case reveals a wound that is festering in the heart of the parent. It is therefore clear that anger doesn’t come because we are angry at a situation, it comes because we are angry at ourselves.
You can’t give what you haven’t got.
If the energy of food and exercise enters your body and makes a march toward the innumerable outlets it can find, it will have to rise up toward your higher self through the lower self. It will have the opportunity to be expressed 100 times before it reaches the higher self, and be transformed from red hot lava into love. This obstacle course of opportunity to be angry at others, self and life, governments, politics, friends, companies, fortunes and more is, for the ignorant, without an option. Anger for those who love it, turns to righteousness, control, and validation of a history of blame, hate and accusation – the human wounds.
A monk once meditated in a dingy boat in the centre of a lake. When the dingy suddenly got hit and nearly tipped him out, he sprang with rage and anger, only to realise he’d drifted and hit the shore. The monk laughed at the realisation of how much anger was sitting within him, and how quickly it surfaced from under the cloak of his meditation.
Chris Walker’s Storybook
You can’t give what you haven’t got. Anger at something or someone is anger at self. We often say “you made me angry” or “that thing made me angry” and as we validate our anger, we allow energy that could be used for our purpose work, or our higher self, to escape and be wasted. Anger expressed is energy wasted.
Being angry (there are many forms of anger – judging someone, trying to fix people, opinions, standing against,) but all of it is self-hate. Nature has it.
A tsunami is nothing more than a violent angry punch by nature at itself.
But there is more. Anger is a poor expression of productive energy. Working from anger, communicating with anger, making decisions with anger might feel empowered and in control but it is taking the long way around. Why would I want to use 50Kg of energy to get something done when 2kg is all it would take if I bypassed anger? Why would I want to take 12 hours to do a job with anger when 2 would be enough with love.
You have an entire arsenal of weapons to load with anger to get your job done in a day. Criticism, negativity, fault finding, justified dislike. Nature isn’t stupid, she gives you lots of ways to do the work she chose for you. You can be angry at a boss, at sexism or unfairness, or you can turn your focus to purpose and by doing so, use less energy, get more done, and be less stressed or stressing of others. It’s a wonderful opportunity to self check. And that’s one of the many benefits of anger, the ability to check in on yourself to see whether you are operating in your lower inefficient self or higher, productive self.
With Spirit