G’day, today we have three questions. What is thought? Is there such thing as a bad thought? And is it possible for one thought to be better than another thought?
Let’s deal with them in sequence starting with; what is thought?
Although the answer to this seems at 1st to be benign, it’s actually quite beautiful. Thought, is atoms molecules and subatomic particles vibrating. In other words thought is energy. Now, there are basically two forms in which thought can be stored. The first is in the mind or unmanifested and the second is in the world, or manifested. While the thought is in the mind people believe that it doesn’t do any damage but what is proven time and time again is that all stress, all personal sickness, most accidents, most disasters, most failure is caused by thoughts that are as yet unmanifested, in other words they are in somebody’s mind but have not been expressed.
So to deal with what is thought we must recognise that and spoken or unexpressed thoughts are as powerful as those that are spoken or turned into action. This understanding of thought goes above most people’s head and so they switch off and say what I think doesn’t matter what I do matters most. This is called the materialistic viewpoint and is completely understandable. There are a few caveats that we as conscious living people need to place on ourselves when considering that perspective.
The first consideration of the materialistic viewpoint is that what we repress, in other words think about but don’t speak about, someone else very close to us, will express. For example a parent who is frustrated by their career but keeps their thoughts to themselves, or so they think, will eventually cause someone in their household to become expressively and angrily frustrated. So we do influence other people’s behaviour by our repressed thoughts. In the worst examples of these we have fears and worries of a parent or a business person causing exactly the thing they fear. What we repress others express. So, thoughts that are held in the mind and kept secret, actually no secret at all.
The second consideration of the materialistic viewpoint is that we go in the direction of our dominant thought. Now people will argue that we will be best to walk our talk but truly we walk our thought. What we think about we bring about. This is also an opportunity for the non-materialistic person to consider thinking about things they really do want to bring about. That technology is called: denial, affirmation, and visualisation. To the materialistic person however thinking something that they do not want to have happened is for them a solution and so most often they are expressing positive thoughts, repressing negative thoughts and ending up causing themselves a massive amount of damage.
All of this answer to the first question leads us in the direction of mind control. Mind control for an athlete or business person is as vital a skilled as any other. A business person for example who does not control their thoughts both expressed and repressed is in danger of causing themselves and others massive heartache. And this is seen repeatedly in both sport and business. It can also be seen in relationships where the “is the bigger the wedding the sooner of the divorce.
Question 2. Is there such a thing as a bad thought?
Here again we are tempted to view the answer to this in the form of a meme which says bad thoughts do exist and they are those thoughts that cause harm. This leaves us with a dilemma. And that dilemma is “do good thoughts also cause harm?” The Memes that run our society globally in all different shapes and sizes are based on the fact that there are good and bad thoughts, that bad thoughts cause harm and good thoughts don’t. Some communities rely on the definition of good and bad from more than 2000 years ago, others rely on the definition of good and bad from five minutes ago, others rely on the definition of good and bad from 4000 years ago. And there must be an element of truth in these definitions otherwise they would not stand the test of time.
To follow these definitions is easy. We simply read books written by people we don’t know, with suspicious origin, with time related advice, that are non-commercial to define what is a good or a bad thought. If we go to a seminar presented by Anthony Robbins he will give us one level of good and bad thought, if we attend another seminar by the Dalai Lama he will give us another definition of good and bad thoughts. The question is what is the outcome we are seeking?
At Innerwealth I have demonstrated time and time again that following one of these scripted definitions of good and bad is potentially going to destroy one thing while it creates something else. As an example the thinking process of Anthony Robbins might build your business or your relationship but it’s doubtful that the same process will do both. Good and bad thoughts therefore, are a judgement that we place on thoughts that we believe will create the single outcome we are looking for. But, at that time we are quite careless as to whether there is collateral damage in achieving that outcome. Most people will regret the accidental damage caused in achieving an outcome. We don’t appreciate what we’ve got until we lose it.
Once a meme has been generated it’s really hard to counteract it. But in the consideration of good and bad thoughts one has to break through this barrier. As an example; let’s use the word kindness. In all the work we do in creating a sense of self and in leadership kindness is a brilliant and very common word. People who are not kind are considered to be poor leaders in a modern era. This is all a meme. The concept of kindness grew out of biblical religious teachings and is now being expressed in MBA corporate teachings. Does that make it true?
There is an expression that says “killing them with kindness.” If our kindness blocks us from being authentic, or giving feedback when things are not as they should be, then the kindness itself is making an individual weak.
There are some people who run away from challenges where they perceive the other person being unkind. And so you can see that this thought that kindness is good and and kindness is bad can drive a persons career, relationship, self talk, well-being and ultimately life. But unkindest has as much value as kindness. This awareness is only available to a person living and thinking with higher consciousness.
Q3. Is it possible for one thought to be better than another thought?
This is a great question. Thank you Chris for asking it? One thought is just a thought, thoughts are just thoughts until we judge them. However it can be clearly demonstrated that once a person knows what they want to create out of their life, the vision their inspiration and their purpose then the thoughts that cause the vision to manifest will be considered to be better than the thoughts that cause the decisions to be in an opposing direction to the vision.
It has been clearly demonstrated that thoughts such as got to, have to, should and ought to, do not have a high probability of causing vision inspiration and purpose to manifest. Those thoughts have been categorised by the feelings that are associated with them such as: anger, jealousy, greed, envy, regret, fear, guilt.
However even those thoughts have benefits. The definition of a good or a bad thought can be based on whether that thought is productive and if a vision is written in a balanced way, as demonstrated in Innerwealth vision quest, then the thought can be productive in all seven hours of life then the thought can be considered to be centralising and good, only because it’s productive. Unproductive thoughts are seriously self sabotaging.
Thought control is a key to life. The only question we have is in what direction. Most commercial thought mastery is about directing thoughts to be good. I personally think this is a religious translation of the real intent of thought control which is manifestation. In other words, creating.
The manifestation formula is 90% thought control.
- Purpose for it
- Think about it
- Visualising it
- Affirmation about it
- Feel it
- Writing goals for it in real time
- Persistent Action On it
- with Energy on focussed on it.
- Investing in it
- Thankfulness for what you’ve got
- Creation / Manifestation / Results